.1: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 :2012/09/04(火) 02:26:40.11 ID:BirAQEwY0
Had a behavior that suck my finger until junior high school
9:No name:2012/09/04(火) 02:29:02.54 ID:FMfpq0mt0
Correct only peeping in HDD
12:No name:2012/09/04(火) 02:29:20.88 ID:wyOFPkXmO
Drink my sperm after onanism
28:No name:2012/09/04(火) 02:31:02.73 ID:4ebXTX9k0
Me too
192:No name:2012/09/04(火) 02:54:19.92 ID:HY3Y+mQ80
I do it too
770:No name:2012/09/04(火) 07:13:37.45 ID:zC36Mt5C0
We can take nutrition and save tissue, killing two birds with one stone.
18:No name:2012/09/04(火) 02:29:44.26 ID:0bNaiZiAO
84: 忍法帖【Lv=10,xxxPT】(1+0:15) :2012/09/04(火) 02:37:42.48 ID:qMgBnWO30
You are the same as me lol
47:No name:2012/09/04(火) 02:32:56.81 ID:QeOZobqh0
I have raped my sister
84: 忍法帖【Lv=10,xxxPT】(1+0:15) :2012/09/04(火) 02:37:42.48 ID:qMgBnWO30
Tell detail
130:No name:2012/09/04(火) 02:43:18.69 ID:QeOZobqh0
When I was 13, sister was 16.
She had be going to travel with friend, and I accompanied them because was on good terms with also her friend.
Ma sister and I had slept in same room, and I raped.
I had masturbated with her underwear since before.
It`s all.
140:No name:2012/09/04(火) 02:44:00.14 ID:veVk3mAu0
And after it?
185:No name:2012/09/04(火) 02:53:04.63 ID:QeOZobqh0
Of course I apologized but she`ve never spoken with me from that time to now.
Even if eating meal together, she behave as if I`m not,
203:No name:2012/09/04(火) 02:56:50.52 ID:rigabvln0
You inserted?
380:No name:2012/09/04(火) 03:35:39.32 ID:QeOZobqh0
I did
Lost my virgin with her lol
27:No name:2012/09/04(火) 02:31:02.28 ID:uO+xCUUjO
Like onanism while wearing female clothes.
35:No name:2012/09/04(火) 02:31:44.61 ID:cgI31Gvj0
Suck my brother`s
Was sucked by brother
40:No name:2012/09/04(火) 02:32:21.45 ID:6BSygEXz0
That I like looking down on friends, it`s my lust.
42:No name:2012/09/04(火) 02:32:28.31 ID:WVDTdrTo0
Masturbated almost everyday
Pussy smells very bad.
50:No name:2012/09/04(火) 02:33:21.95 ID:fbY8DLQX0
52:No name:2012/09/04(火) 02:33:29.30 ID:gMpa7PV90
Ass hair like forest
56:No name:2012/09/04(火) 02:34:01.45 ID:yKL88qgJ0
Like appearance of penis
59:No name:2012/09/04(火) 02:34:49.80 ID:KwNW4/DuO
Masturbated only with anime or Manga.
73: 忍法帖【Lv=39,xxxPT】(1+0:15) :2012/09/04(火) 02:36:35.92 ID:jqF4QXl60
I can`t stop vomiting.
I should die.
77:No name:2012/09/04(火) 02:36:53.42 ID:VcVTxjuD0
Can`t stop breaking wind
91:No name:2012/09/04(火) 02:38:16.52 ID:Kiw38ntMO
I have leaked shit 7 times for 7 years.
93:No name:2012/09/04(火) 02:38:25.83 ID:3+3e5rY/0
Though I`m not student, wear gym uniform and masturbate.
In closet, There are a lot of gym shorts covered with sperm
94:No name:2012/09/04(火) 02:38:31.86 ID:OKnjC69a0
I can`t believe that guy who will be 24 very soon leak shit…
103:No name:2012/09/04(火) 02:39:37.28 ID:XNlLWgb00
Don`t warry, I have a toilet accident at least once a year
122:No name:2012/09/04(火) 02:42:08.04 ID:nx2Yz9Yj0
Sexed with another woman when my child was born
127:No name:2012/09/04(火) 02:43:08.57 ID:veVk3mAu0
125:No name:2012/09/04(火) 02:42:51.22 ID:ier5D1eI0
When sex with my girlfriend, think about Saki Aibu while shutting my eyes..
128:No name:2012/09/04(火) 02:43:12.34 ID:3EYPo5ma0
129:No name:2012/09/04(火) 02:43:16.08 ID:z20F1LRQ0
Suck my dick myself, and drink sperm
142:No name:2012/09/04(火) 02:44:19.44 ID:83e4yBLEO
Walk around when school is over.
152:No name:2012/09/04(火) 02:45:57.96 ID:t09y5awK0
I`m also pedo.
I love girl under 12.
155: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】(1+0:15) :2012/09/04(火) 02:46:16.18 ID:BirAQEwY0
My ass hair is too much so tie it.
163:No name:2012/09/04(火) 02:48:36.24 ID:2jF5EuDB0
I`ve made movie for slandering my friend and updated it,
173:No name:2012/09/04(火) 02:50:41.72 ID:F8KDfzSS0
When visiting Italy, defecated in the train.
186:No name:2012/09/04(火) 02:53:37.53 ID:voRjd6k50
There are only abnormal in this thread.
I had put my pee on my girlfriend bicycle
200:No name:2012/09/04(火) 02:56:24.69 ID:EQ5hxTzm0
I remember put my sperm on my cute classmate`s saddle of bicycle t
187:No name:2012/09/04(火) 02:53:44.27 ID:+ZPQp5F/0
You expose to here so it`s not secret.
You guys are liar
195:No name:2012/09/04(火) 02:54:59.17 ID:qHGFD23M0
Guys in here aren`t human.
190:No name:2012/09/04(火) 02:54:17.59 ID:YwG64Yei0
What in here is only shit and fly not human.
193:No name:2012/09/04(火) 02:54:22.60 ID:56S123870
I and my brother suck our penis each other.
My mother was angry while crying but I can`t understand.
I really wanna forget.
222:No name:2012/09/04(火) 02:59:45.42 ID:ytjn4fQf0
Visit one temple to see statue of Buddha
In dark temple fire on candle was so voluptuous and there was no one by chance, so I did onanism.
228:No name:2012/09/04(火) 03:01:27.84 ID:O9RhGWmL0
Statue of Buddha onanism
233:No name:2012/09/04(火) 03:03:08.74 ID:acP87Ba30
Statue of Buddha onanism is too accused
246:No name:2012/09/04(火) 03:07:27.51 ID:ytjn4fQf0
No problem, I received my sperm with tissue
253:No name:2012/09/04(火) 03:08:34.44 ID:O9RhGWmL0
It`s not matter lol
You are excited with Statue?
267:No name:2012/09/04(火) 03:11:59.07 ID:ytjn4fQf0
Double thrill because of someone should come and being in front of statue of Buddha.
275:No name:2012/09/04(火) 03:13:50.45 ID:O9RhGWmL0
I thought you are crazy about statue.
224:No name:2012/09/04(火) 03:00:42.69 ID:U2PK1fqD0
Play with dolls before sleeping
327:No name:2012/09/04(火) 03:23:56.46 ID:pZ5sxYeJ0
Love each other with high school boy
329:No name:2012/09/04(火) 03:24:23.65 ID:Ciw9ouB/0
The matter is your sexual
355: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】(1+0:15) :2012/09/04(火) 03:29:54.94 ID:gct7kuLF0
Onanism with ladyboy
358:No name:2012/09/04(火) 03:30:24.16 ID:O9RhGWmL0
Don`t worry, me too
361:No name:2012/09/04(火) 03:31:06.06 ID:GnqR5lJJ0
I was sexual toy of my brother`s friend when 6 years old
364:No name:2012/09/04(火) 03:31:28.97 ID:pBZbmxjf0
I`m a Father but sprinkled on image on the Virgin Mary at confession room in church.
370:No name:2012/09/04(火) 03:32:37.31 ID:veVk3mAu0
Confess! lol
374:No name :2012/09/04(火) 03:34:13.79 ID:m45Poih/i
368:No name:2012/09/04(火) 03:32:27.91 ID:PTmYnR5Y0
Try to do onanism with gay video.
I regret it so much…
376:No name:2012/09/04(火) 03:34:59.48 ID:e7zs/1X70
I became father when high school
377:No name:2012/09/04(火) 03:35:17.12 ID:O9RhGWmL0
Kiss and shake each other with friend`s sister.
383:No name:2012/09/04(火) 03:35:51.36 ID:KyZafPW+0
Imagine tearful face of woman when first time meeting.
395: No name:2012/09/04(火) 03:39:05.52 ID:wICcFE/+0
I had made big dog in grandfather`s house insert his penis into my ass.
405:No name:2012/09/04(火) 03:41:44.67 ID:1Q5Zxfwu0
Sometime eat nose dirt
429:No name:2012/09/04(火) 03:53:23.78 ID:3/G8OUGa0
Well, I tried to rape my sister recently
449:No name:2012/09/04(火) 04:00:43.31 ID:YXhDoZw+0
When junior high school, I put my sperm collected the day in restroom in girl`s curry who I loved.
620:No name:2012/09/04(火) 05:27:19.58 ID:PosnXmaq0
I`ve made cat suck my penis
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