Friday, September 28, 2012

What's your the angriest case

1 No Name 17/09/2012(Mon) 02:09:52.22 ID:LD9aWWnK0

In elementary school, my friend erased my Game data, I had played it for 300 hours.

17 No Name 17/09/2012(Mon) 02:13:15.11 ID:3F2KDuZO0


My brother erased data of Dragon Quest 4 borrowed from his friend and his angry father came to my house

6 No Name 17/09/2012(Mon) 02:11:49.49 ID:l/1OCxh80

My father ,he is athlete`s foot used my sandal

13 No Name 17/09/2012(Mon) 02:12:41.73 ID:dZpoeNtk0

Was taken by guy, I thought he was friend

10 No Name 17/09/2012(Mon) 02:12:16.82 ID:ExpXzFku0

When my parent were abused

14 No Name 17/09/2012(Mon) 02:12:51.84 ID:VEnvX3km0

My father died when I was small. My senior brother went wrong and I was hit always.
One day I got angry and attacked him with knife

22 No Name 17/09/2012(Mon) 02:14:43.42 ID:bZPCd8v90
Got girlfriend, half year after moving to Tokyo,.
One day I went home after, girlfriend lay and there were hurt on her face.
Next to her, weird man held his peniss.
I was upset and hit many times over the man with key I had. Called police, he was robber, rapist and murder.

32 No Name 17/09/2012(Mon) 02:18:04.91ID:PDAF9J5q0

When I`m near angry, told myself not to be controlled by temporary emotion and stand

37 No Name 17/09/2012(Mon) 02:20:40.68 ID:7sG1P//9O

My bicycle saddle was changed to broccoli

39 No Name 17/09/2012(Mon) 02:21:59.00 ID:TY3EeFDQO

My cat and stray cat started terrible fight so I put hands between them, and hand was bitten by my cat, of all them.
I got angry while feeling pain, finally took part in this battle.

44 No Name 17/09/2012(Mon) 02:25:31.66 ID:GKRoUd+o0


It`s important to punish friend who rose against his master earlier than enemy

 No Name 17/09/2012(Mon) 02:25:05.99 ID:/ZGkv+L70

My friend was forced to drive car and take some people though he was tired, and he had an accident.
All who was in the car tried to shirk their responsibility.

49 No Name 17/09/2012(Mon) 02:30:08.32 ID:n0X0mO1q0

When high school, was wrung the neck by fat from the class next door though I didn`t know him.
I can`t forget already even now.
What was it

34 No Name 17/09/2012(Mon) 02:19:02.18ID:OjPnjuA80

Never put lemon on my fried chicken!!!!!!!!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The way to tell “you are bald ” without wounding bald headed guy

3 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/13(木) 11:16:49.00 ID:/R6QGn5X0

Speak while looking head

5 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/13(木) 11:16:56.51 ID:/xfYVb8A0

You are clear

6 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/13(木) 11:17:08.89 ID:Ke+0YyvK0

Be care to sunstroke

8 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/13(木) 11:17:28.81 ID:Z5wzOLFr0

You make me feel autumn

9 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/13(木) 11:17:37.70 ID:42NXdu1Q0

It was terrible battle, wasn`t it?

11 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/13(木) 11:17:54.10 ID:ofodY0z3O

They already know

12 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/13(木) 11:18:01.02 ID:MdtT0ZDx0

The head can make boiled egg

13 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/13(木) 11:18:05.68 ID:0q56ba0hO

You are shining

14 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/13(木) 11:18:13.42 ID:Qz17od4o0

Your kindness suffers us.
Say “Hey bald head!” light heatedly, please

15 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/13(木) 11:18:16.89 ID:Z5wzOLFr0


16 名前:No name[sage] 投稿日:2012/09/13(木) 11:18:19.50 ID:pJpqxUfR0
Same hairstyle with me!

18 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/13(木) 11:18:31.73 ID:grkBog4cO

Little air resistance design

21 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/13(木) 11:19:06.06 ID:SwTxhTfc0

After speaking about Harrison Ford and Sean Connery, say “by the way , you resemble

23 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/13(木) 11:19:33.16 ID:lvq+e/YRO

Bald is proof of smart

29 名前:No name[sage] 投稿日:2012/09/13(木) 11:21:33.37 ID:YTHq9rzj0

You look like 1st 007

30 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/13(木) 11:21:34.18 ID:RDhaVhwC0

You look cool

38 名前:No name[sage] 投稿日:2012/09/13(木) 11:28:20.62 ID:vHqfV10TP

When they notice, wound after all

43 名前:No name[ ] 投稿日:2012/09/13(木) 11:32:01.70 ID:wVg5SGdI0

Don`t need to tell lol
Theyve already noticed

44 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/13(木) 11:32:13.50 ID:TB7YF2QN0

The helmet you always wear is nice

50 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/13(木) 11:45:05.23 ID:EwWnICuO0

I`m jealous , you needn`t use money to cut

54 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/13(木) 11:51:17.06 ID:cpEZPSP70

Which shampoo do you use?

55 名前:No name[sage] 投稿日:2012/09/13(木) 11:51:56.09 ID:eZobeWBLO

Moon is beautiful

56 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/13(木) 11:52:21.88 ID:IhqsOLgI0

Today`s reflected sunshine is strong

58 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/13(木) 11:53:37.95 ID:pvll/2rIP

Hey Krillin!
How are you?

59 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/13(木) 11:55:26.86 ID:eg0lfceo0

Balding makes around people pay attention

66 名前:No name[sage] 投稿日:2012/09/13(木) 12:23:49.66 ID:SjqQfWUw0

I`m not bald but think bald is not bad.
But I don`t wanna bald

69 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/13(木) 12:56:20.83 ID:QwOJ1Tu/0

Cut it out! We`ve already known!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

In kendo,If fencer do fist pumping right after winning, he will lose.

1 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/08/01() 09:36:46.24 ID:xH316snI0

Other support should do so too.
Respect the other player.

2 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/08/01() 09:37:41.53 ID:YGB1AMY30

Why must`t express pleasure though winning.
If you think the other player`s mind, give the victory for him.

12 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/08/01() 09:42:08.76 ID:bzX1r9nr0
Just be point out I think.
First, almost all of we don`t do fist pumping.

171 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/08/01() 10:19:59.38 ID:7/Pkt0xm0

Kendo is killing of Samurai.
Winning means killing the other.
Who do fist pumping after killing human?


177 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/08/01() 10:20:40.06 ID:+0rNKTTb0

Judo is same.

37 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/08/01() 09:53:24.17 ID:8Klc6P17O

The Judo fighter straddling above the other`s head did fist pumping was too rude I think .

28 名前:  [] 投稿日:2012/08/01() 09:48:53.34 ID:E+yMI85h0
fist pumping is prohivided in High school baseball too.

26 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/08/01() 09:47:43.10 ID:CV6eXOoj0
Not lose but eliminate 1point.

281 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/08/01() 10:37:41.48 ID:69VJZts50
Budo start at REI and finish at REI. Fist pumping isn`t along the idea.
I am opposed to fist pumping. Other sport is Ok but Budo isn`t.

529 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/08/01() 11:32:01.57 ID:Sqwjb00wO

I allow fist pumping but do it after finishing match, not before.
And don`t spend time running from place to place when being advantage at point.

4 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/08/01() 09:38:26.29 ID:dCSDUoq/0
Kendo should be done in Olympic.

352 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/08/01() 10:48:47.25 ID:ZqjS5zx/0

There are something that are saved by not being done in Olympic.

419 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/08/01() 11:01:50.55 ID:xplWkY950

I don`t hope Kendo to become like Judo.

31 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/08/01() 09:49:11.58 ID:CV6eXOoj0

Kendo is not sports but Budo.
I think it watching Judo.

27 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/08/01() 09:48:20.25 ID:vpqxJEd50

Attach sensor at blade of sword like fencing.
And make it light when hitting.

33 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/08/01() 09:50:57.03 ID:/B0v8Xv50

Can`t winning just by hitting.
Cooperation of KI(mind) KEN(sword) TAI(physical) is necessary.

38 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/08/01() 09:53:39.53 ID:vpqxJEd50

I can`t agree.
We can kill people by hitting KATANA.

49 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/08/01() 09:56:18.66 ID:/B0v8Xv50


Ki means shouting.
Ken is bamboo sword.
Tai is handling body.

Can`t get 1 point without expressing Ki, attacking with Ken, keeping attention after killing.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Do you know scaring Phage virus?

1 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/07() 18:37:48.29 ID:No5c+D3e0

It must be made by space alien.

Walk with 6 legs skillfully
Approach bacterium and make hole with natural drill
inject virus DNA

It must be nano-machine!

15 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/07() 18:42:17.31 ID:9N2mopip0

Too cool

16 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/07() 18:42:41.77 ID:kNKqBF+m0


3 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/07() 18:38:28.34 ID:h7hkM4fJ0

Like Anime


25 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/07() 18:44:55.66 ID:upuJke8j0

I made

31 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/07() 18:46:17.61 ID:wZ19HEIi0

I learned it in high school, was impressed at the time

7 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/07() 18:39:46.26 ID:No5c+D3e0
Phage caught a colon bacillus and is injecting DND

9 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/07() 18:39:57.41 ID:d8xjpAgy0

This weird thing like nut with some legs come out from colon bacillus with a lot of companion.

11 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/07() 18:41:05.93 ID:No5c+D3e0

And the head is regular dodecahedron.

13 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/07() 18:41:16.72 ID:OO0VzWhs0

I`ve not believed yet

17 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/07() 18:42:54.47 ID:No5c+D3e0

Person who say space alien don`t exist should explain how Phage was born.

22 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/07() 18:44:34.72 ID:Qqb65XvzI

Like a bolt

97 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/07() 19:23:07.71 ID:qXi7R9Ps0

USA of Germany must have made them!

18 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/07() 18:43:07.93 ID:F/jYx3ZPO

It`s invention of great scientist, isn`t it?

48 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/07() 18:52:09.28 ID:No5c+D3e0

If this virus isn`t artificial object, I supposed that the theory of evolution claiming accidental evolution is false.

40 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/07() 18:48:54.30 ID:No5c+D3e0
Even making micron size motor is difficult with contemporary technology,
Nano size , walking with legs, drill
Did it come from future?

19 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/07() 18:43:22.76 ID:jPZGWWMP0

Why does it have DNA, though doesn`t have cell?

28 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/07() 18:45:41.60 ID:pnCpaRj80

They seem to be thing that have only desire to copy and increase their DNA.

20 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/07() 18:44:04.06 ID:bLtXzVxW0

They just inject DNA. It`s not surprising.

Generally virus is also great design, isn`t it>
They are covered with spike to catch well.

29 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/07() 18:45:44.67 ID:No5c+D3e0


 It has drill, like biological weapon.

33 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/07() 18:47:00.21 ID:BpHlsxKk0

And bacillus that is stuck into die.

51 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/07() 18:53:13.35 ID:pDpheWf7O


Does Phage purpose to increase DNA?

58 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/07() 18:56:14.93 ID:ejSyg/q/0

They copy many DNA inside of cell, and copy also the appearance from the DNA.
Finally they break through cell membrane and go out, so cell die.

56 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/07() 18:55:14.37 ID:beBcWRVb0

Inject DNA into bacillus.
Make construction basis on itself.
After increasing, break out and go out

66 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/07() 19:00:01.66 ID:pDpheWf7O

It`s like computer virus.

It may be programed to act actively and decrease human, if we increase too much,

85 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/07() 19:11:21.50 ID:No5c+D3e0

Biological robot 

86 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/07() 19:13:44.25 ID:No5c+D3e0

64 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/07() 18:59:31.97 ID:dTRGnLArO

For what pleasure does it such acting?

71 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/07() 19:05:05.48 ID:LRnnmZBPO

In the first place, they don`t have emotion.

76 名前:No name[] 投稿日:2012/09/07() 19:08:01.67 ID:No5c+D3e0

Though it`s semi-object , have purpose and weapon.