1:anonymous:2012/07/28(土) 07:02:58.73 ID:UadB4hJ50
AAA New York
AAB Washington
ABB London Paris Tokyo
BBB Moscow Berlin Beijing Shanghai
BBC Brussels
BCC Wine Geneva
CCC Roma Los Angels San Francisco Singapore Hong Kong
2:anonymous:2012/07/28(土) 07:03:41.58 ID:o0RDYxoy0
Is Washington such higher rank?
3:anonymous:2012/07/28(土) 07:03:49.17 ID:Iv2Cgyxu0
Tokyo is the top in the point of economic power.
7:anonymous:2012/07/28(土) 07:16:15.30 ID:H3jcAO/r0
London and Paris are higher than Washington.
8:anonymous:2012/07/28(土) 07:17:07.94 ID:dY5DnRSI0
Why did you calassificate so complicatedly?
9:1:2012/07/28(土) 07:17:10.74 ID:UadB4hJ50
It is based on evaluation of think tank, culture, number of UN agencies, economy, and Politics.
37:anonymous:2012/07/28(土) 08:13:20.97 ID:Va4aDzoR0
London, New York, Paris, Tokyo are Top4.
Washington is much lower than them.
10:anonymous:2012/07/28(土) 07:17:46.09 ID:06ywVlnvI
Why isn`t there Soul
12:anonymous:2012/07/28(土) 07:19:12.12 ID:TZR6OyRT0
Roma is such low?
How Milan and Naples?
21:anonymous:2012/07/28(土) 07:34:37.37 ID:UadB4hJ50
Italy is obviously weak at economic and political effective power among EU.
23:anonymous:2012/07/28(土) 07:42:39.02 ID:IkpQl1tYP
Cairo Riyadh Istanbul Sydney Buenos Aires.
Do no country of them reach CCC?
24:anonymous:2012/07/28(土) 07:47:32.46 ID:UadB4hJ50
I`m puzzled at Sydney. The others are cut cuz of politic, economy, anxiety of the international situation.
And Enumerating too much country is endless.
16:anonymous:2012/07/28(土) 07:23:04.74 ID:nuRbuSHM0
Washington is capital but not big city.
17:anonymous:2012/07/28(土) 07:23:22.35 ID:ExKGDxzu0
But Washington is more important than Tokyo.
18:anonymous:2012/07/28(土) 07:24:13.47 ID:IkpQl1tYP
It isn`t `world` ranking in the point of that south America, west Asia and Australia isn`t entered.
19:anonymous:2012/07/28(土) 07:24:14.92 ID:zNI4NPvYP
How San Paul?
21:anonymous:2012/07/28(土) 07:34:37.37 ID:UadB4hJ50
Those cities lower than cities in ranking.
Particularly San Paul is populous and large but slum spread. Undeveloped as city.
22:anonymous:2012/07/28(土) 07:39:59.85 ID:xoJxIQ0G0
There isn`t Puda plague
25:anonymous:2012/07/28(土) 07:48:26.38 ID:xoJxIQ0G0
Istanbul is larger than the capital?
26:anonymous:2012/07/28(土) 07:55:06.64 ID:UadB4hJ50
Larger than Ankara. Firstly Istanbul was capital.
But Turkey is disputing with Europe about issue of human right so can`t join to EU and exert influence. So I cut
28:anonymous:2012/07/28(土) 07:58:54.12 ID:IkpQl1tYP
You guy discriminate from country.
Evaluate as city purely.
Firstly, you are pettiness because you regard EU as central of the world.
33:anonymous:2012/07/28(土) 08:08:18.19 ID:UadB4hJ50
I mean that Joining to EU allow Istanbul to increase potential that the agencies of EU or NATO, and importance.
30:anonymous:2012/07/28(土) 07:59:54.73 ID:MDC33jbq0
Enter Chicago and Philadelphia.
36:anonymous:2012/07/28(土) 08:12:07.90 ID:UadB4hJ50
Certainly, Chicago is the 3rd city of America. But Detroit and Pittsburgh are as large as Chicago.
Philadelphia had been capital of America but now hasn`t so much influence.
39:anonymous:2012/07/28(土) 08:15:29.91 ID:Va4aDzoR0
Chicago is financial center city following NY and said that still 2nd city.
31:anonymous:2012/07/28(土) 08:05:02.51 ID:7LRVaJGk0
38:anonymous:2012/07/28(土) 08:15:10.77 ID:UadB4hJ50
Vatican is headquarter of catholic , so I enter it at BBC.
32:anonymous:2012/07/28(土) 08:07:52.21 ID:46Evl9im0
I think Jerusalem is considerably important.
Geneva is just located UN headquarter, bit so important as city.
41:anonymous:2012/07/28(土) 08:18:23.55 ID:UadB4hJ50
I`m puzzled about Jerusalem as holy land of Christ , Judaism and Islam.
But now a day, there is only conflict zone.
42:anonymous:2012/07/28(土) 08:20:38.75 ID:UadB4hJ50
Frankly speaking, UN isn`t so influence. But Geneva is 2nd city of UN so I installed higher than real.
44:anonymous:2012/07/28(土) 08:23:16.17 ID:Va4aDzoR0
Comprehensively the largest city in Switzerland is Zurich.
48:anonymous:2012/07/28(土) 08:31:44.00 ID:UadB4hJ50
It`s right. Zurich is substantially capital in Switzerland.
But UN agencies are located in Geneva much more than Zurich.
And there is Red cross headquarter.
So I selected Geneva.
49:anonymous:2012/07/28(土) 08:36:02.75 ID:Va4aDzoR0
But the ranking expressed by world think tank always put Zurich beyond Geneva.
Zurich is more important than Geneva.
51:anonymous:2012/07/28(土) 08:40:42.40 ID:UadB4hJ50
Influence in Switzerland? Or influence in international situation?
52:anonymous:2012/07/28(土) 08:47:32.68 ID:Va4aDzoR0
First, financial center of Switzerland is Zurich.
Almost of large capitalists and centers of financial clique handling international organizations are located in Zurich.
There are many international organizations in Zurich. For example, FIFA.
Main airport in Switzerland is in Zurich too.
And one more.
Berlin is overestimated at your ranking.
Capital function is considerably dilute.(Supreme court, parts of politic organizations and central bank isn`t there)
Economic magnitude is small.
GDP is remarkably lower than average of Germany.
No main airport.
International organizations are few.
54:anonymous:2012/07/28(土) 09:01:01.38 ID:UadB4hJ50
I see. My evaluation based on number of important functions or organizations.
Put Zurich at BCC instead of Geneva.
I anticipated Berlin is inferior to London and Paris. So It`s reasonable Berlin is as important city as Shanghai and Moscow. Still high?
60:anonymous:2012/07/28(土) 09:20:09.76 ID:Va4aDzoR0
It is depend on what you emphasis, but in case allowing for economic field, Berlin should be low.
If emphasis economy, finance and international base, Hong Kong is considerably high.
Hong Kong is said that the third biggest financial center following NY and London and it is Hong Kong where western companies locate their base point of Asia.
34:anonymous:2012/07/28(土) 08:09:42.82 ID:FopB8o/u0
Is there what important place in Rome?
35:anonymous:2012/07/28(土) 08:10:34.15 ID:FopB8o/u0
I think Sydney is higher than Rome.
43:anonymous:2012/07/28(土) 08:23:15.07 ID:UadB4hJ50
Certainly, Australia doll is important base currency. Sydney is BCC
45:anonymous:2012/07/28(土) 08:27:06.48 ID:tPUsMF2L0
Why Los Angels is such a low?
50:anonymous:2012/07/28(土) 08:38:15.94 ID:UadB4hJ50
Industry of Los is developed but there are many other industrial cities.
55:anonymous:2012/07/28(土) 09:02:31.17 ID:umTo4MmYO
Moscow is such high?
56:anonymous:2012/07/28(土) 09:11:58.54 ID:UadB4hJ50
Kremlin in Moscow have been still central of former superpower Russia.
Worldly important sessions are held and center of east Europe countries.
59:anonymous:2012/07/28(土) 09:16:30.89 ID:fCjsxHQhP
Have you ever been in actual place of course?
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