1:anonymous:2012/08/30(木) 10:50:40.76 ID:d8xvhvYB0
They`re too thin
Conversely, hip hoper looks like Gang and strong.
2:anonymous:2012/08/30(木) 10:51:16.26 ID:zGLNrsXS0
Strength is no sense
3:anonymous:2012/08/30(木) 10:51:18.68 ID:hGqxzNUR0
We never fight.
Because it`s rock.
6:anonymous:2012/08/30(木) 10:52:06.50 ID:d8xvhvYB0
Despite they claim anti-society ,are weak.
Not cool.
Jazz musician is also kind of strong.
7:anonymous:2012/08/30(木) 10:52:06.87 ID:7rkeYMIR0
10:anonymous:2012/08/30(木) 10:53:23.68 ID:qKH6JC5K0
I am the strongest fighter in Osaka.
11:anonymous:2012/08/30(木) 10:53:38.52 ID:+pE7asLAO
If you knew Jean-Jacques Burnel, you wouldn`t say such stupid opinion.
12:anonymous:2012/08/30(木) 10:53:50.08 ID:d8xvhvYB0
Heavy metaler and hard rocker are macho,strong.
Their necks are thick.
15:anonymous:2012/08/30(木) 10:54:27.73 ID:IOe92+af0
Is groovy outdated?
16:anonymous:2012/08/30(木) 10:54:58.61 ID:TPQOJh8H0
Imagination against rock is Junky rather than strong.
21:anonymous:2012/08/30(木) 10:56:32.56 ID:Pg7Pg83d0
Weak and thin image
Macho punk rocker is funny.
17:anonymous:2012/08/30(木) 10:55:45.87 ID:dKp4iM5y0
Death metal is the strongest.
18:anonymous:2012/08/30(木) 10:55:57.19 ID:YhknGyeT0
Essence of punk isn`t fighting.
SEX, drug, violence.
19:anonymous:2012/08/30(木) 10:56:21.08 ID:6DsVrm7J0
In this 21 century world, why do we need to be strong?
20:anonymous:2012/08/30(木) 10:56:27.35 ID:d8xvhvYB0
Rocker is only thin nerd elated.
Heavy metaler`s muscle is just appearance.
Hip Hop is the strongest.
22:anonymous:2012/08/30(木) 10:57:31.58 ID:ZlFj1TT2P
26:anonymous:2012/08/30(木) 11:00:35.49 ID:TlLwTQf/0
Punks break their bones themselves in live.
What a weak!
27:anonymous:2012/08/30(木) 11:00:46.63 ID:lf2xyP/g0
HIP HOP=just pretend to be strong
HR/HM= Macho
Metal is the strongest.
The thing is HIP HOP fashion lets them look strong.
29:anonymous:2012/08/30(木) 11:00:51.93 ID:/dds6TIQ0
Sid Vicious looks like strong
30:anonymous:2012/08/30(木) 11:01:11.73 ID:d8xvhvYB0
Why punks hang big padlock on the neck?
42:anonymous:2012/08/30(木) 11:15:36.01 ID:DBJBlG130
Copy of Sid
31:anonymous:2012/08/30(木) 11:02:10.16 ID:wxfSMcGD0
I`ve read that their life is unhealthy because of alcohol, smoke and drug so they are weak.
32:anonymous:2012/08/30(木) 11:03:18.59 ID:oPJKBBVi0
You guys don`t understand.
Rockers are so crazy that they never hesitate to hit someone.
34:anonymous:2012/08/30(木) 11:03:43.03 ID:d8xvhvYB0
Korean go to military service.
K-pop is also strong.
35:anonymous:2012/08/30(木) 11:04:06.60 ID:lYcK4J4h0
Music doesn`t matter anymore lol
36:anonymous:2012/08/30(木) 11:04:22.42 ID:Z5KTT8Or0
Look at the Misfits
38:anonymous:2012/08/30(木) 11:08:46.59 ID:3im9aZWJ0
HIP HOP is originally black music.
They have long history have been discriminated by white so not to make fun, prefer to strong fashion.
39:anonymous:2012/08/30(木) 11:11:28.97 ID:u/yxGR5Z0
The strongest is SEIKIMATSU
They are devils, people can`t win.
41:anonymous:2012/08/30(木) 11:12:47.48 ID:Fwa0m6SJO
But people who I want to avoid is punks
45:anonymous:2012/08/30(木) 11:19:08.52 ID:x3+S1ngv0
Recent rapper is only high educated Snob, isn`t it?
47:anonymous:2012/08/30(木) 11:21:01.17 ID:3K3zOTq/O
They put piece on what with nose and mouth, so I seem to win by pulling.
51:anonymous:2012/08/30(木) 11:25:41.42 ID:d8xvhvYB0
Fighting ranking
Heavy metal
Pops , rock
43:anonymous:2012/08/30(木) 11:17:24.66 ID:SO1URvpG0
Fighting is work of monkey or dog.
48:anonymous:2012/08/30(木) 11:21:11.07 ID:9b9M/GWP0
We don`t come to blow after becoming adult